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 GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that

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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyMer 9 Mar - 19:22

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Tumblr_lfov28hmsn...iro1_500-266d80d
be somebody in this crazy life.

about his story
underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco -
about himself
extraverti - bordélique - intelligent - tête en l'air - optimiste - altruiste - joueur - jaloux - sportif - curieux - impulsif - rêveur - colérique - souriant - déterminé - impatient - indépendant - téméraire - courageux - gamin - se fout de tout - naturel - dragueur - blagueur - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco -

link him
underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco - underco -
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Avery C. Baldwyn - Lùllaby E. Houston - toi ?

Dernière édition par Grayson A. Hoffman le Mar 15 Mar - 17:05, édité 2 fois
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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyMer 9 Mar - 19:22

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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyMer 9 Mar - 19:22

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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyMer 9 Mar - 19:22

Et comme c'est open bar, tu peux poster x)
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E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

N'AMOUR ★ cause i love you darling ♥

E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyMer 9 Mar - 19:38

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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyMer 9 Mar - 19:39

Une idée ? (a)
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E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

N'AMOUR ★ cause i love you darling ♥

E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyMer 9 Mar - 19:41

Je sais pas describe your characteuhr x)
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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyMer 9 Mar - 19:45

Grayson a grandi à Williamsport, il est né dans une famille très riche. Sa maman était malade, elle est morte quand il était gosse. Il s'entendait mal avec son père du coup, dés qu'il a pu, il est partit faire ses études dans une autre ville et il est revenu très récement pour enterrer son père (a) il regrette un peu - des fois - de n'avoir pas été plus proche de son père xD
Il est devenu chasseur pour protéger sa meilleure amie et parce que c'pas des démons qui vont le faire chier. Il bosse pour le FBI je pense *est encore un peu indécise xD*

Et Sam ?
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E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

N'AMOUR ★ cause i love you darling ♥

E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyMer 9 Mar - 19:55

Alors (a)
Eitan est né et a grandi à Williamsport, il n'a jamais quitté la ville Rolling Eyes sa mère s'est barrée quand il était petit, le laissant son frère cadet et lui comme étant les cibles d'un père euh pour ainsi dire brisé par l'amour qui noie sa peine dans l'alcool. Il est donc devenu un frère très protecteur et rapidement (quand il a eu l'âge pour ainsi dire de prendre des décisions censées), Eitan a peu à peu migrer vers chez ses grands parents paternels xD bref y'a eu quelques complications mais finalement il s'en sort plutôt pas mal, si ce n'est avec un traumatisme de l'enfant à la vie de merde qui l'a poussé à devenir flic. Y'a quelques années il avait 21-22 ans, il a rencontré Dakota, ils se sont aimés, ils se sont mariés, mais elle a eu un accident y'a un an et demi environ. Il a passé près d'une année à attendre qu'elle se réveille sans résultat, alors il a un peu pris la fuite Rolling Eyes et il s'est plongé dans une nouvelle histoire avec Charlie (tu sais le scénar qui traîne XD) qu'il a déjà demandé en mariage, parce qu'il veut se persuader qu'il peut passer à autre chose. Sauf qu'aujourd'hui, sa vie commence à dérailler de nouveau et pis y'a carrément Dakota qui revient d'entre les presque morts alors il est complètement paumé :D
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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyMer 9 Mar - 20:34

I see (a)
Bah déjà s'il est flic et Gray fait partit du FBI ils peuvent bosser ensemble, et petit flic obéit à gray :bad:
Sinan ils peuvent s'être connus quand ils étaient gosse vu qu'ils étaient tous les deux à Williamsport x)
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E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

N'AMOUR ★ cause i love you darling ♥

E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyMer 9 Mar - 22:01

MDRR On peut dire les deux (aa)
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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyJeu 10 Mar - 5:20

Yeah (a)
Par contre faut les faire se faire rencontrer xD
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E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

N'AMOUR ★ cause i love you darling ♥

E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyJeu 10 Mar - 12:52

A l'école MDR *baff*
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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyJeu 10 Mar - 16:41

Ouais même si Gray a trois ans de plus que Sam x)
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E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

N'AMOUR ★ cause i love you darling ♥

E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyVen 11 Mar - 18:08

Bah ouais mais ils se voyaient en dehors après mdrr
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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyVen 11 Mar - 21:02

D'accord xD
Et après, Grayson est partit faire ses études à pétaouchnock xD
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E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

N'AMOUR ★ cause i love you darling ♥

E. Samuel Ewey-Vargas

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyVen 11 Mar - 21:19

Pas Eitan mdrrr x__x
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Charlie R. Greenaway

CHARLIE ✐ show a young girl, in a cruel world

Charlie R. Greenaway

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyVen 11 Mar - 21:31

Bhé nan mais du coup soit ils se sont perdu de vus, soit ils sont resté en contact xD
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Eleonora A. Sokolovski

NOUVEAU ★ No rank for the moment

Eleonora A. Sokolovski

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyDim 13 Mar - 16:12

Je peux avoir un lien avec le jumeau ?
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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyDim 13 Mar - 16:13

yep une idée ?
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Eleonora A. Sokolovski

NOUVEAU ★ No rank for the moment

Eleonora A. Sokolovski

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyDim 13 Mar - 16:20

Lien ambiguë ?
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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyDim 13 Mar - 16:20

Si tu veux x)
Du genre ?
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Eleonora A. Sokolovski

NOUVEAU ★ No rank for the moment

Eleonora A. Sokolovski

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyDim 13 Mar - 17:44

Genre en public c'est que des engueulades et quand ils sont en privé par moment ils couchent ensemble. Si ça va pas je chercherais.
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Grayson A. Hoffman

GRAYSON ★ i survive on the memory of you

Grayson A. Hoffman

★ Freaking, fucking surnaturel

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyDim 13 Mar - 18:06

Hm, je pense pas que ça va être possible parce que Gray est à fond sur Avery en ce moment, alors certes il est du genre dragueur et tout ça mais ces dernier temps il irait pas se taper quelqu'un d'autre dans le dos d'Avery x)
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Eleonora A. Sokolovski

NOUVEAU ★ No rank for the moment

Eleonora A. Sokolovski

GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that EmptyDim 13 Mar - 18:12

Ben je sais pas xD
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GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that   GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that Empty

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GRAYSON ★ did i say i'm just a boy, you can hold me to that

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